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We are under a month away from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect. If you haven’t done anything to prepare yet now is definitely the time to act.
If you are still using a file server but are thinking about replacing it with something faster, more flexible and secure which allows for better organisation, then the benefits of SharePoint and its powerful document management capabilities could be what you need.
Google announced on Monday that they are rolling out their mobile first indexing. Traditionally, Google’s ranking systems have used the desktop version of a company’s website, however with the increase in smartphone users this is no longer the optimum solution.
Creating a charity and encouraging a large volume of visitors onto your website is one thing, but the real difficulty lies in persuading users to make a donation to your charitable cause.
Cyber security is a topic that is hot on everyone’s lips at the moment. With the GDPR just 84 days away, businesses have very little time left to ensure that their data protection and cyber security are up to scratch.
Your website is often the first interaction you have with a potential customer. If they have never heard of you before and have found you online what impression does your website give. We have all done it, found a company online, looked at the homepage and immediately left because it wasn’t user friendly.
Is your organization ready for the EU GDPR? If you hold personal data on EU citizens it needs to be stored securely, otherwise you risk fines of up to €20 million or 4% of worldwide, annual turnover – whichever is higher.
We are very excited to announce that we are now Cyber Essentials certified. The certification process involved a full assessment of our systems which has been independently verified and we were presented with the certificate displayed above last week. Not sure what Cyber Essentials is?
As an organisation you are likely to be highly, if not completely, reliant on your IT infrastructure. With such advanced technology at our finger tips we sometimes forget just how much IT is integrated into every area of business
With just 140 days left until GDPR comes into effect the first half of 2018 is likely to be heavily focused on organisations preparing themselves. GDPR is set to transform the cyber-security landscape for decades to come and as the deadline fast approaches many companies are still unsure what is required to gain compliance.
When you think back on 2017 in the world of tech the most prominent theme will be cyber security. The last 12 months have been filled with new types of ransomware and admissions of previous cyber attacks on some huge household names.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! So why not make it the most profitable time of the year for your charity? After all, the festive season is a great time for charities because users increase their donations towards worthwhile causes.
The DPO is a Data Protection Officer and has been spoken about a lot since the announcement of the GDPR. There has been a lot of confusion over what a DPO does and whether organisations are required to have one under the GDPR or just recommended
According to recent statistics, the UK raises approximately £9.3 billion in voluntary donations per year. If you are a member of a charitable organisation and are looking for interesting ways in which you can tap into this generosity, then listed below are several brilliant charity fundraising ideas.
With GDPR fast approaching there is still a lot of confusion around what is covered by the regulation. In particular, the GDPR individual rights that are included and that must be adhered to by all companies that carry EU personal data following May 25th 2018.
By scrutinising the techniques of some of the UK’s best charity websites, you can learn how to adapt their successful digital marketing strategies to improve your charity’s website. By doing so, you can significantly improve your website’s online reputation, which in turn will exponentially increase the amount of donations your charity receives
How do you raise awareness of your charity? Here are some brilliant ways you can improve brand exposure for your charity and get your donations boosted.
In short, not yet, you just need to ensure you have a GDPR compliance plan in place, so now is the time to act. The GDPR comes into effect on 25th May 2018. It is a new law that is designed to strengthen the privacy and protect data for citizens of the EU countries.
SharePoint is an industry leading document management and collaboration tool developed by Microsoft. It’s basically an intranet and content management system that is used for internal purposes to assist with bringing business together including secure document management, collaboration opportunities and much more.
There is a fine line between squeezing all the value you can from your hardware and the lower productivity, increased downtime and elevated levels of stress caused by old equipment. There are, of course, key indicators that it is time to refresh your hardware: performance issues and constant outages.
As discussed in our previous blog post, What Is Cloud Computing? we talked in depth about exactly what this latest fashion is and some of the core reasons to consider switching to the form of document saving.
IT support is typically viewed as solving the problems an individual or company may be having online. IT stands for Information Technology and otherwise may be regarded to as technical support. On most occasions, a company will offer this support and help with computer technology to those requiring their service
Over the last few years there has been a lot of talk on cloud computing. But what is cloud computing? Nowadays it seems to be everywhere and if you don’t know what’s going on, the chances are you’ll feel you’re missing out on something important.
Social media has exploded over the last 10 years or so. No longer are we using Friends Reunited, Myspace or Bebo though. Instead, the super heavyweights have moved into this space and millions are actively on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others.
Cloud computing has been a revelation in the online world and now many businesses are taking advantage of the possibilities available with this solution. With Cloud you’re able to access shared data online from any location. Rather than saving to a hard drive after making edits, data will automatically save online.
The IT infrastructure of your business is crucial. There are many factors contributing to the smooth running of your IT and the chances are it has been slowly built up over time, as your company has grown and expanded in the 21st Century.
A customer relationship management system (CRM) is a series of software and data applications, which have been designed to compile information on your customers from your company’s various communication channels. This includes your website and social media accounts to your telephone networks and direct mail marketing strategies.

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