About Stonewall
Stonewall boldly stand for LGBTQ+ people everywhere. They imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be themselves and everyone can live their lives to the full.
Their campaigning drives positive change in public attitudes and policy, helping transform the day-to-day experience of all LGBTQ+ people.
They empower and upskill LGBTQ+ people and their allies to step up as leaders, role models, and activists in their own communities. Stonewall have extensive partnerships with LGBTQ+ and trans-specific groups throughout the UK, both at national and grassroots level, promoting coordinated sector efforts to respond strategically to shared threats.
They have strong relationships with senior Government officials and key policy makers, meaning that they are well placed to ensure national policy and practice are rooted in lived experience of LGBTQ+ people across the UK.

Stonewall's Challenges
Hate crime is on the rise, with 56% increase in transphobic hate crimes in 2022.
This year, the UK has posted its lowest ever score in ILGA Europe’s Rainbow map index, underlining how progress on LGBTQ+ rights has stalled in recent years.
As part of its campaign work, Stonewall will be amplifying the following key messages:
· LGBTQ+ people deserve to get the healthcare they need.
Healthcare is a basic human right, and there are areas where some LGBTQ+ people need additional specialist support to get their basic needs met. Too many of us are failed at an individual and a systemic level, which leads to worse health outcomes
· Every LGBTQ+ child and young person deserves to be supported to thrive.
All LGBTQ+ people deserve to grow up free from stigma. LGBTQ+ inclusive education helps young people feel seen and supported. School should be a safe place for everyone, where they’re free to be themselves.
· LGBTQ+ people and our relationships deserve to be recognised and protected by law.
Currently, some same-sex civil partnerships cannot be converted to marriages, and most trans and non-binary people face legal barriers to marrying in their gender.
· We want the UK to be a global leader for LGBTQ+ equality
At least 67 countries still criminalise LGBTQ+ people and relationships. Targeted persecutions are forcing people to flee their home countries for safety. The UK must stand hand in hand with LGBTQ+ people around the world, continuing to recognise them as a priority group for resettlement in crisis situations.

Stonewall's Achievements / Goals
Recent successes include:
- IVF For All campaign: Successfully campaigned to ensure equitable access to fertility support for LBTQ+ people, removing the financial barriers they had previously faced.
- Ban conversion therapy: We’ve worked with survivors of conversion therapy to raise their experiences of abuse to secure and maintain commitments from the UK and Scottish Governments to legislate against conversion practices.
- TRANSforming Futures: in partnership with trans-led and LGBTQ+ community organisations, we consulted with trans adults, as well as trans children and young people and their parents and carers, on their experiences of healthcare and justice.