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Blog Insights

The Cloud is a key step for your charity’s digital transformation. Find out more about the 6 key things to consider before you take the plunge in migrating to the Cloud…
We’d love to be your sponsor! Whether you’re hosting a networking group, coffee morning or an online or in-person event, let us know.
Elementor is one of the most downloaded and used plugins for WordPress. It’s simple and easy to use features make creating your website a breeze!
WordPress is a way to create websites in an open-source system, meaning you’re able to develop your site using any coding skills. It’s also known as a Content Management System (CMS), which means you get an intuitive way to create and manage your posts and pages of your website.
Staying productive in the workplace can sometimes be challenging however, there are ways in which you can increase your productivity significantly. Whether it be the equipment you use or your routine whilst being in the workplace, there are several options for everyone to take on board to ensure increased productivity!
Every year we like to collate our goals and aspirations for the year ahead as a team. We believe this motivates our whole team to work together to achieve these goals and turns those January blues into motive and inspiration! This year we have come up with 4 amazing goals which we will strive to achieve in 2022. Here they are…
2021 for Qlic has been one of the most exciting years for us to date! We have reached some unforgettable milestones…
The Cyber Essentials scheme is a cyber security standard, which organisations can be assessed and certified against.
Windows 11 is now the latest version of Windows available. It has been enhanced and redesigned for productivity, creativity and ease of use for all. The team at Microsoft has simplified the overall design and has created a user experience that empowers your productivity and inspires your creativity. Also, it now has a more modern and clean feel to it with some new additions and tweaked features to ensure more ease of use.
Since 2020, there has been a massive global shift in the way organisations communicate, collaborate and generally do business! Everything turned digital, team members took to platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom to communicate with their colleagues. But where does cyber security come into all of this?
After almost 20 years, we’ve decided to refresh our brand and reinvent ourselves for the future. It’s the same excellent experience but delivered in a spectacular new uniform which seamlessly symbolises our values and personality.
If a reader has never heard of your charity before and has found you online, what impression does your website give? When was the last time you thought to update your website to give it that modern and up-to-date feel? There is no better or more cost-effective way to advertise your organisation than via your own website, so making sure it’s constantly up-to-date and eye-catching is key! Keep reading to find out our top 7 reasons for why you should update your website today;
Are you thinking of migrating to the cloud and not sure where to start? Read our 6 top tips to consider so that your charity has a smooth transition to the cloud.
Is your charity thinking of hosting an event soon? What better way to make your upcoming events of more interest than by making them Hybrid events! This is a great way to host your events going forward as it combines in person events, for those who love to go to the event location, with a live-streamed version of the event which would be shared online for those who didn’t want to or couldn’t attend the event in-person.
With the advancement in technology and the internet, the list of things your charity can do to improve it’s brand presence is now endless! Boosting your charity’s brand awareness via the internet is a crucial step to promoting your organisation.
It’s easy to continue running older technology in your business, taking a view of waiting for it to die until being replaced. However, reviewing your current technology once a year and implementing a Hardware Lifecycle is vital to ensuring your your employees are able to work efficiently for your business. Keep reading to find out the issues revolved around the use of old technology!
Many organisations are now resorting to conducting their onboarding processes remotely, meaning that slight adjustments will have to be made.  Keep reading this blog to find out our tips for creating a smooth onboarding process for your organisation to take into consideration!
As charities plan for the future, they are trying to decide on the best path forward, many organisations are looking into hybrid working!
Even though the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the process of fundraising, it has not dampened charity’s spirits as there are some great ways to arrange a fundraiser virtually!
Not only is it imperative to consider your employee’s safety, but it is also essential to make sure your office’s technology is refreshed.
SharePoint has been a massive ‘life-saver’ for most charities that have remote working staff during this unprecedented time. It is a great management and collaboration tool developed by Microsoft which assists with bringing organisations together by secure document management, collaboration opportunities and much more. Carry on reading this blog to find out some of SharePoint’s features that will optimise your remote working!