Operations Management Insights

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Operations Management Insights

Learn what a spear phishing attack is & how it targets charities. Discover real-world examples & protect your organisation from these sophisticated threats. Learn what a spear phishing attack is & how it targets charities. Discover real-world examples & protect your organisation from these sophisticated threats.
Boost your charity’s impact with digital skills. Learn why charity digital training is vital for efficiency, security, and fundraising.
Not only is it imperative to consider your employee’s safety, but it is also essential to make sure your office’s technology is refreshed.
Due to the current pandemic, most companies have had to resort to funding, along with this there is economic uncertainty which is highly difficult for many companies. Below is a summary of the 14 key government schemes, which are now available to support businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic:
Does your office support social distancing? After the recent update from the Government, it is key to start planning on your social distancing strategy for when you get back to the office! Prepare yourself and your colleagues for social distancing in the office by reading our essential checklist below.