Every year we like to collate our goals and aspirations for the year ahead as a team. We believe this motivates our whole team to work together to achieve these goals and turns those January blues into motive and inspiration! This year we have come up with 4 amazing goals which we will strive to achieve in 2022. Here they are…
1 More Charity Challenges
At Qlic, we launched our Qlic Charity Challenge back in 2018. We started off by bringing our team together to complete fun activities to raise money for charity but once the pandemic hit, it wasn’t as easy to get all the team together to raise money, so we resorted to raising money through online platforms.
In 2022, we would love to focus a lot more on our Qlic Charity Challenges and ideally do one a quarter to maximise the charities we can help. Stay tuned to see what our next Charity Challenge will be!

2 Moving Away From Virtual
Our second goal for 2022 is to get back to in-person events! Even though virtual events and platforms have been a massive lifesaver during this pandemic, it just doesn’t beat in-person interaction. Before the pandemic started, we would love to sign up to in-person events all over London and the south-east to meet lots of new faces and gain the experience of presenting our company live in front of crowds of people.
However, for the past 2 years, we have hosted our own online event called Small Charity IT Day. This is an event which we plan on keeping virtual as we believe it suits the majority of attendees. This year we also hope for our Small Charity IT Day to be bigger and better than ever before!
3 Build Our Platforms
As you know we recently rebranded our business, what better opportunity to build our platforms than now! In 2022, we plan to take our social media pages to the next level. We would love to increase our following, shares, likes and just generally make ourselves more well known in the world of social media.
You may have also seen that last year we updated both of our websites. In 2022, we plan to keep updating our websites frequently with new images, features, designs, layouts and most importantly information.
4 Grow Our Team
This year we would love to expand our team! Whether that be growing our support team or projects team, we would love to expand our Qlic team. Each year we love to plan multiple company incentives, this can include full days out or evening social events. With growing your team comes more expertise and knowledge which we can all absorb and learn from.
So, that’s our goals for 2022, have you had the chance to write down any of your goals for 2022? We can’t wait to start striving towards our goals and aspirations for the year and hopefully at the start of 2023 we can confirm that we succeeded in all!
Here’s to 2022!